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Research Portfolio

2025 : [ UNICEF Tajikistan ] : Parenting Practices

Child Frontiers is conducting a study that aims at understanding and mapping the parenting landscape from the supply and demand perspectives to recommend strategic choices for strengthening parenting services in Tajikistan. In Tajikistan, evidence related to parenting practices is scarce. The study will provide findings on both aspects of parenting i.e., supply and demand. there is a need to understand the parenting landscape from supply and demand perspective. At the supply side, an improved understanding of the existing service delivery platforms, their structures, functions, human resources, their skills, and capacities, across multiple sectors including health, hygiene, nutrition, protection, education, safety, and care is needed. At the demand side; deeper understanding of current parenting practices, their drivers (enablers and barriers); including knowledge, motivation, behaviors, social and gender norms is required.


2025 : [ UNICEF Cambodia ] : Children in Conflict with the Law

Child Frontiers is conducting a review of the Cambodian intervention and rehabilitation program in rehabilitation facilities and diversion programs for children in conflict with the law. The objective of the review is to determine which programs/services/practices are the most relevant and effective in implementing diversion programs and meeting the rehabilitation and reintegration needs of children in conflict with the law. The review will be used to enhance the understanding of Government of Cambodia and UNICEF on facilitative factors that encourage adoption of diversion programs; drivers of success of these programs; and barriers and recommendations to address these gaps. It also aims to provide evidence for policy reform and program development or enhancement towards contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the juvenile justice and welfare system of the country.


2025 : [ UNICEF Cambodia ] : Assessment of Cambodia’s National and Inter-Country Adoption System

Child Frontiers is conducting an independent assessment of Cambodia’s regulatory framework, capacity, knowledge and procedures in place related to domestic and inter-country adoption. This project aims to inform program design, implementation, monitoring and policy formulation. Child Frontiers will assess and map the national and inter-country adoption system, identify capacity gaps and areas for improvement, and develop a set of recommendations for strengthening. In addition, child participation must be mainstreamed in all of these processes of consultation, vision, development and finalization.


2025 : [ UNICEF HQ ] :  Multidisciplinary models of service delivery for the digital age

Child Frontiers is supporting UNICEF Headquarters to conduct a small-scale qualitative study on the functioning of child-centred multidisciplinary service models for victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation and abuse with a specific focus on online harm to children. The study will examine models in the Philippines, South Africa, Bulgaria and Nigeria to understand their functionality and effectiveness in supporting children and families. This is particularly pressing as the child protection landscape evolves rapidly, with digital forms of harm becoming increasingly prevalent. Our research conducted in 2022 for UNICEF Philippines demonstrated that children affected by such violations often require specialised services and approaches distinct from those traditionally available from frontline and community-level providers.  It is hoped that this study of multidisciplinary service models across different income levels will provide actionable insights and recommendations for policymakers, service providers and frontline actors to enhance the support systems for child victims and survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse globally.


​2025: [ UNICEF Pakistan ] : Research on Child Marriage

Child Frontiers is conducting a study to provide UNICEF Pakistan and its government counterparts with a better understanding of the socio-economic and cultural factors that perpetuate child marriage, with particular attention to how those factors are playing out following the recent floods. Recognizing that there are a range of factors – which likely vary depending upon unique regional demographics and characteristics – the research will seek to consolidate existing information about the phenomenon and, through in-depth fieldwork in four provinces/regions, seek to challenge and/or reinforce some of the assumptions and emerging consensus about how to bring about social change. This research is designed as a deep dive into the drivers of child marriage in Pakistan. Through an ethnographic and participatory study in four distinct regions, using primarily qualitative research methods, UNICEF and its partners will be able to juxtapose previous quantitative findings and capture a detailed holistic picture of the reality of child marriage in Pakistan.


2024 : [ UNICEF ECARO ] : Enhancing Children’s Protection in the Dominica

Child Frontiers is assisting local partners and UNICEF in producing a short (5-10 pages) user-friendly brief which reviews, assesses and plans for sustainability of the interventions necessary for building safe and supportive families and communities for children in the Kalinago Territory on the island nation of Dominica. The Brief will also be used as supporting material to produce a short video on the outcomes of UNICEF’s supported interventions in the Kalinago Territory. This knowledge product is for both internal clients and external partners such as governments, partners and donors.


2024: [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Phase IV of the  Regional Learning Platform on child care reform

Child Frontiers continues its multi-year project on the virtual learning platform on care reform which provides an opportunity for stakeholders involved in care reform in the Eastern and Southern African region to share learning. In this fourth phase, Child Frontiers will continue to facilitate regular webinars and share a monthly newsletter on care reform across region. Child Frontiers will also interview practitioners and those with lived experience of care reform, and develop videos and case studies on promising practices. An evaluation of the platform was carried out at the end of Phase 3, and further activities will respond to the findings from this evaluation.


2024 : [ UNICEF WCARO ] : Scoping Study of Climate Change and Child Marriage

Child Frontiers is conducting a review of the current knowledge on climate change and its link to child marriage and other risks for children in countries across West and Central Africa. From this review, recommendations will be made for in-depth, qualitative research at national and sub-national levels to fill gaps in data and understanding. Three country research briefs will also be developed, outlining current knowledge and identifying approaches to gathering and analysing needed information and evidence.


2023 : [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Research on the impact of climate change on child marriage, FGM, and teenage pregnancy

Child Frontiers is conducting a study in Eastern and Southern Africa, to better understand how to mitigate the risks of climate change and other structural threats to children’s well-being and identify interventions that have, or could have, the most beneficial impact. This research builds on the study recently conducted by Child Frontiers in Kenya, and will now be expanded to Madagascar and Ethiopia. This qualitative study on the impact of climate change on children's wellbeing will help to address existing knowledge gaps and have important implications for a wide range of actors across different sectors. It is also an opportunity to complement past and emerging quantitative data and provide the child protection sector and other relevant sectors with a wider evidence base to develop more effective prevention and response interventions, ones that resonate with communities and are perceived as appropriate and fit to context. Its findings will have direct relevance not only for policy and decision makers, government and non-government service providers, but also for how agencies and others who seek to support children and families can potentially (re)frame their work in relation to climate change mitigation and other impacts of the polycrisis.


2023 : [ Anti-Slavery International ] : Child Participation

Child Frontiers is helping Anti-Slavery International embark on a journey to make child participation central to its work. The aim of this consultancy is to conduct a review of Anti-Slavery International’s existing and previous participatory work involving children, as well as gathering and incorporating learning from other organizations working in this area that may be relevant and available. This will help Anti-Slavery International reach its goal of being able to ethically, meaningfully, and effectively incorporate the participation of children at risk or affected by slavery into its work to end child slavery.


2023: [ UNICEF Mali ] : Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

Child Frontiers is undertaking a multi-year project with UNICEF Mali to prevent and mitigate Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) among its implementing partners. This assessment is intended to give UN entities and their partners a baseline for tracking the progress of partners’ organizational capacities on PSEA. This phase of the project will focus on two main components. The first will be the implementing partners' accountability for PSEA (83 partners in Bamako and 5 other regions), and will entail assessments, training and capacity building. The second will be rapid community-based research, related to community perceptions of the problem, identification of local practices, and the link between these and the formal system of services available and known to the local population. The focus on evidence-based research will underpin the process and inform the dialogue and consultations. This approach aims to create an enabling environment to improve the knowledge and capacity of UNICEF's implementing partners to prevent and respond appropriately to PSEA.


2023 : [ UNICEF Pacific ] : Access to Justice for Children

Child Frontiers is undertaking an initiative is to take stock of the current legal and policy frameworks for access to justice for children in Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Samoa and Kiribati, including informal networks, in order to pave the way forward for incremental and measurable improvements in building a justice system. In the formative review, Child Frontiers will identify critical gaps and also immediate, medium term and longer-term opportunities to strengthen systems and services, articulated in 5-year costed roadmaps for intervention. Child Frontiers will provide revisions and inputs into the child justice legislations in all 5 countries, to include recognition of children’s legal standing and their right to be heard, access to free legal aid, establishment of key gender and child sensitive and responsive structures, services and procedures in line with international standards; and develop model SOPs – with practical guidance on how to adapt these at the country level. Child Frontiers strongly believes in the importance of creating and reinforcing sustainable justice sector reform, with unequivocal national ownership of processes and decisions - while ensuring practical, culturally-contextualized solutions that are commensurate with the human and financial resources available.


2023 : [ UNICEF Zimbabwe ] : Social Welfare Service Workforce Capacity Assessment and Analysis

Child Frontiers is conducting an assessment and analysis of the current status of the social welfare workforce in Zimbabwe and developing a medium to long term capacity building strategy for the social welfare workforce covering the fields of child protection, disability affairs, social protection and justice for children. The capacity building strategy will address policy improvements, the adequacy, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the social welfare service workforce in Zimbabwe. The overall goal is to ensure that Zimbabwe has a social welfare workforce that is supported to provide high quality services to children, families and communities in the fields of child protection including justice for children, disability affairs and social protection. Achieving the purposes, Child Frontiers will conduct a functional mapping, assessment of national budgets and institutional capacities and gaps therein.


2023 : [ UNICEF ECARO ] : Assessment of the social and child protection system of the Czech Republic

Child Frontiers is undertaking a groundbreaking project to assist the Government of Czech Republic to strengthen child and social protection systems. Over 7 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded across Europe, with 4 million registered for temporary or similar national protection schemes. As of September 2022, the Czech Republic has granted Temporary Protection to almost 400,000 refugees from Ukraine, of whom 34 per cent are children and 46 per cent are women. In March 2022, the Government approved a package of Laws (Lex-Ukraine-Law) that focuses on the rapid registration and integration of refugees. Despite achievements and commitment of the Government of the Czech Republic, hosting the highest number of refugees per capita amongst other hosting countries that are part of the Ukrainian Humanitarian response is putting enormous strain on the country’s basic services and infrastructure, particularly on child protection. Given this context, Child Frontiers will support the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to conduct an assessment of the current social and child protection, as well as social service workforce systems. It will identify the existing cash transfers targeting children and families, the functions of statutory bodies and service providers, their strengths and gaps, and better understand how child and social protection bodies and services, as well as the existing social service workforce can be strengthened to further address the needs of the vulnerable population including Ukrainian refugee children, adolescents, girls and boys, women and families in the Czech Republic.


2023 : [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Phase III of the Regional Learning Platform on child care reform

Child Frontiers will continue with activities that carried out in Phases 1 and 2 of the platform to promote the regular exchange of learning on care reform, to also include some additional activities, particularly around documentation of promising practice. During phase 3 activities will include: Building a database of frontline workers engaged in care reform from across the region to receive the newsletter and advertise opportunities to engage in platform activities; Holding webinars; Sharing regular newsletters; and Documenting learning on promising practices. Child Frontiers will also maintain the helpdesk function of the platform, giving UNICEF and government staff the opportunity to exchange learning around care reform, as well as develop publications to ensure that learning from practitioners and those with lived experience of care reform feeds into regional level advocacy.


2023 : [ UNICEF ESARO] : Phase 2 Research and Documentation of Child Protection Programs

Child Frontiers will continue with activities that carried out in Phases 1 and 2 of the platform to promote the regular exchange of learning on care reform, to also include some additional activities, particularly around documentation of promising practice. During phase 3 activities will include: Building a database of frontline workers engaged in care reform from across the region to receive the newsletter and advertise opportunities to engage in platform activities; Holding webinars; Sharing regular newsletters; and Documenting learning on promising practices. Child Frontiers will also maintain the helpdesk function of the platform, giving UNICEF and government staff the opportunity to exchange learning around care reform, as well as develop publications to ensure that learning from practitioners and those with lived experience of care reform feeds into regional level advocacy.


2023 : [ UNICEF Rwanda] : Briefing Report for Systems Assessment

Child Frontiers is producing a high-level child protection systems assessment brief to present the key overarching findings, priorities, and evidence-based recommendations from the Child Protection Systems Assessment Report in a user-friendly, readable format that engages readers and grabs attention. The target audience of this Brief is high-level Government and other stakeholders who do not necessarily have a technical background in child protection. The Brief will be published in print and online.



2022 : [ The Asia Foundation ] : Culture of Prevention in Action

Child Frontiers is conducting research for The Asia Foundation on the evidence of prevention in action against the recruitment of children and economically vulnerable women into online pornography and exploitation. Child Frontiers has conducted research on this topic in the Southeast Asia region, including the Philippines, Thailand and Lao PDR, as well as in East and Southern Africa.  Based on the emerging evidence, online sexual exploitation is a rapidly growing and often hidden violation of the rights of children and vulnerable women and families globally. The research will involve a review of existing research and literature, supplemented by targeted interviews with key experts and stakeholders in ASEAN to address gaps and collect additional information. The objective is to consolidate and present evidence of preventative approaches to broaden application of the ASEAN Culture of Prevention agenda across the work of ASEAN pillars, Sectoral Bodies and ASEAN Member States.  The research will focus on preventative work against online pornography of children and economically vulnerable women in the Philippines as a case study.


2022 : [ World Childhood Foundation] : Study on Care Leavers in Thailand

Child Frontiers is conducting a study to examine how growing up in a private residential care in Thailand affects children’s well-being over time. The aim of the study is  to increase understanding of how supportive relationships protect children, including projects designed to strengthen families and children in alternative care, as well as identify factors contributing to successful reintegration and long-term wellbeing.


2022 : [ UNICEF ESARO and WCARO] : Research on Child Marriage

Child Frontiers is providing multi-year technical support to 13 UNICEF country offices in Western, Eastern and Southern African countries, by researching child marriage trends and drivers; and providing options for accelerating and amplifying efforts to end the practice. The countries in focus are: Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe in Eastern and Southern Africa; and Benin, Burkina-Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone in Western Africa. The objectives of the assignment are multifold: firstly, to develop a methodology for analyzing country situations and identify the highest-impact areas for investment; secondly, to understand child marriage trends, drivers and options for accelerating and amplifying efforts to end the practice in their contexts; and thirdly, to establish and facilitate a platform for South-to-South information and knowledge exchange on issues related to child marriage. The evidence generated will be used to enhance capacities of governments and civil society partners to advocate for, influence and develop regional, national and sub-national programmatic actions and budgets (aligned with a contextualized theory of change for the specific context) to end child marriage in line with international human rights standards.


2022 : [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Phase II of the Regional Learning Platform on child care reform

Child Frontiers is supporting UNICEF build upon the efforts of the first virtual learning platform on childcare reform which provides an opportunity for stakeholders involved in care reform in the Eastern and Southern African region to share learning on care through webinars, document exchange, a Help Desk, and pairing and mentoring. Positive feedback from participants in the first phase has led to the continuation of the efforts which will now include webinars, policy papers, introduction of reflective practice methodology, case studies, and a feasibility study for a short online course on care reform. Phase II of the learning platform will be led by UNICEF and is designed to complement a parallel process of documentation led by ‘Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC), a multi-country project that aims to reduce countries’ reliance on residential care and support families. Tools developed by CTWWC will be further contextualized and used.


2022 : [ UNICEF ROSA ] : Mapping of Justice Workforce in South Asia

Child Frontiers, in partnership with the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, is mapping the justice workforce in the eight countries (Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka) in South Asia. The mapping will offer a baseline and recommendations for UNICEF country offices and their national counterparts. Specifically, the mapping will support advocacy efforts and planning for continued workforce strengthening, including filling vacancies and expanding coverage of training and other capacity building initiatives. The principal purpose of the mapping is to fully understand the composition of the current justice for children workforce and the factors that support their effective functioning. It is envisioned that the mapping will further contribute to strengthening of the justice workforce and its interaction with the social service workforce for child protection; provide data for costing implementation of the law; and identify needs and recommend priorities for further capacity building programs.


2022: [ UNICEF Kenya ] : Study on Care Leavers

Child Frontiers is conducting a ground-breaking study on the experiences of care leavers and document examples of promising practices in care leaver support in Kenya. In addition, the study will provide assistance for advocacy efforts with government and other stakeholders using the recommendations that emerge from the research. Among the key questions to be addressed are, what are the key aspects and factors for successful reintegration and aftercare, what is the regulatory and policy framework for alternative care and care leaving, what support needs should be provided to ensure that children and young people are successfully integrated into families and communities; and what role can and should care leavers play in care reform. The research will also touch upon the impact of Covid-19 on the experiences of care leavers. It is anticipated that the study will be conducted in four counties in Kenya, namely Nairobi, Kisumu, Kifili and Garissa.


2022: [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Phase 2 Research and Documentation of Child Protection Programs

Child Frontiers is building upon the learning and identification of evidence gaps from Phase 1 of researching and documenting of child protection programs in East and Southern Africa, with a second phase, this time looking into causal relationships between FGM and child marriage; understanding whether rates of FGM and child marriage are declining and why; and understanding the potential impact of Covid-19 on these interventions. The countries of focus for this assignment will be the FGM elimination implementing programs such as Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda and the countries implementing the Global Program to end child marriage, such as Ethiopia, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia. The evidence to be generated from this assignment will be used to enhance the end harmful practices and VAC programming and capacities of UNICEF staff, governments and civil society partners in the region. Primary research will be conducted in Kenya to better understand the dynamics of changes that have taken place across the country, including which interventions have led to a decline of these practices, how and why, and the reasons why FGM has declined more precipitously in some communities than in others.


2021 : [ UNICEF Turkmenistan ] : Justice for Children Legislative Review

Child Frontiers is supporting the Government of Turkmenistan and UNICEF establish child-sensitive justice for children who come into contact with the justice system, whether as children in conflict with the law, child victims or witnesses of crimes, or children in civil proceedings. The review focuses on both criminal and civil proceedings, optimizing the window of opportunity and momentum created by the work of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Human Rights. This timely and important assignment begins with reviewing the legislative and normative frameworks for children in contact with the justice system and will present the extent to which the legal framework in Turkmenistan is aligned to and complies with international standards and obligations and will provide recommendations for strengthening the system of child justice. It will also include a practice-based and observational assessment of how children’s cases are managed through judicial proceedings. As a result of the conclusions and recommendations of the review, a roadmap will determine the process for transitioning to a reformed justice system for children across Turkmenistan.


2021 : [ UNICEF Philippines ] : Intervention Strategies on Rehabilitation & Reintegration of Child Victims of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

In partnership with the Psychosocial Support and Children’s Rights Resource Center, Child Frontiers is conducting a study of the existing therapeutic and rehabilitative services available for children affected by online sexual abuse and exploitation (OSAEC) in the Philippines. This initiative is especially timely given the exponential number of OSAEC cases reported during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study will generate evidence for UNICEF advocacy efforts and support the Philippine government to design interventions to ensure children receive psychological counselling, therapeutic interventions and that cases are managed appropriately, with a view to rehabilitation and family reintegration. The study will document the approach taken towards service provision by Government and civil society agencies and map the principal services currently available in the Philippines.


2021 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Care in the African Context

Child Frontiers is preparing a set of Regional Kinship Care Guidelines for Practitioners and Caregivers based on the existing knowledge from the members of Family for Every Child in the African context and keeping in mind practices around the world that are proven to be effectively working. The Guidelines will serve as a guide for implementers and advocates of kinship care in the countries that our members work in. Through this project, the member organizations involved would use the deep and broad practitioner-based knowledge that is generated through the Family for Every Child network to inform local efforts to strengthen systems for kinship care.


2021 : [ ECPAT International ] : Rapid Assessment of SECTT in Phang Nga, Thailand
Child Frontiers is conducting a rapid assessment on the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT) in Phang Nga Province in southern Thailand in an effort to understand the nature, context and trends of sexual exploitation of children. This includes identifying stakeholder attitudes and perceived risks, as well as opportunities for prevention. This study follows up on the earlier research conducted by Child Frontiers for ECPAT in 2019 on SECTT in Phuket.


2021: [UNICEF HQ]: Researching and writing case studies to end child marriage

Child Frontiers is developing four sectoral case studies from UNICEF-focus countries that have developed national (or state) strategies to end child marriage. The case studies will identify practical options for embedding child marriage-focused components in three sectors that represent critical pathways for addressing child marriage at scale: education, health, and economic opportunity/poverty reduction. The case studies will describe and analyze successful sectoral interventions to prevent child marriage at sub-national levels. The audiences for the case studies include staff, managers and implementers of interventions to end child marriage, as well as government officials and sector specialists. The final report is available here


2021 : [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Review of the CP and GBV programs in Covid-19

Child Frontiers is producing a mid-year and annual review of the Child Protection (CP) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) preparedness and response to COVID-19 and a guidance note on CP and GBV programs in case of public health emergencies in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region. These reviews will inform a regional direction for the COVID-19 Child Protection and GBV response by UNICEF through contextualization of global guidance, partnerships, knowledge management and evidence generation. UNICEF has been responding to the pandemic since March 2020 in 21 countries across the region to ensure the continuation of child protection and GBV related services. This focus has been on children and adolescents in the most vulnerable households and circumstances such as those in detention and residential care facilities, children on the move (refugee, displaced and migrant children), children living and working on the street, and children in quarantine centers.


2020 : [ UNICEF Uganda ] : Impact of Covid-19 on Harmful Practices

Child Frontiers is conducting an assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on harmful practices in Uganda, with a focus on child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) to generate evidence deepen understanding on how the pandemic impacts the risks and vulnerability of girls to harmful practices in selected districts and refugee communities. Measures used to prevent and control the spread of Covid-19 such as lockdowns and movement restrictions, can expose children to protection risks including harmful practices such as child marriage and FGM. This assessment will contribute evidence for strategic program direction, planning and implementation as well as address critical knowledge gap on the impact of Covid-19 on harmful practices.


2020 : [ UNICEF Rwanda ] : Learning initiative on transforming care in Eastern and Southern Africa

Child Frontiers is supporting UNICEF Rwanda and UNICEF ESARO to promote and facilitate a regional learning initiative strategically focused on transforming child care within a systems-based approach. This work is highly consultative and collaborative; opinions, expertise and insights from individuals and organisations are sought out and integrated into all phases of the efforts. The work involves two separate but interlinked areas of focus: Developing and supporting an online information exchange for state and non-state actors to share experiences and promising approaches and practices; and supporting and drafting the production of shared thematic and policy and practice-related briefs based on discussions within the community of practice. One main focus of these briefs is the learning that has happened in the alternative care sector during the time of COVID-19. Report on Creating Synergies Between Social Protection and Care Reform can be accessed here


2020 : [ Girls Not Brides ] : Child Protection Thematic Brief

Child Frontiers developed a thematic brief for Girls Not Brides (GNB) on evidence-based child protection approaches to prevent and respond to child marriage. GNB is a global partnership of more than 1400 civil society organizations from over 100 countries committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their full potential. This thematic brief will complement other sector focused briefs being developed by GNB including child marriage within the education sector. The purpose of this assignment is to increase understanding of how child protection investments at the national and community level can accelerate action to end child marriage, and highlight the important role civil society can play to strengthen child protections systems. The primary audience members for this brief are the Girls Not Brides’ civil society organizations. Click here for the Working Paper


2020 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Covid-19 and Children’s Reintegration

Child Frontiers is writing a short think piece on children’s reintegration in the context of COVID-19. The paper is aimed at policy makers and program managers and considers how reintegration processes have been adjusted during the pandemic and lessons learnt from these changes, both in relation to effective reintegration during a pandemic and more broadly. The paper uses the global inter-agency reintegration guidelines as a starting point, exploring how the application of this guidance may need to be adjusted in the light of COVID-19.


2020 : [ UNICEF Malaysia ] : Alternative Care and Children without Parental Care

Child Frontiers is partnering with UNICEF Malaysia through an EU-UNICEF program to strengthen national child protection systems by building capacity for alternative care and strengthening the protection of children without parental care and in institutions, including children affected by migration. The project includes a mapping of alternative care policies and programs as well as an assessment of selected service providers, with primary data collected through quantitative research in alternative care centers. Capacity building of relevant officers in the care sector is also included in the project scope. The results of the year-long program will be shared in a regional summit with participation from key stakeholders from the region that are also developing initiatives to protect children affected by migration within broader systems building, including Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia.


2020 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Paper on Covid-19 and Kinship Care

Child Frontiers is researching and writing a paper on the impacts of coronavirus on children in kinship care and their caregivers for the NGO, Family for Every Child. Families the world over are affected by Covid-19, including the millions of children who live not with their parents but with grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings or friends of the family. In some countries, up to a third of children are raised this way. Whilst kinship care is valued by communities and children and recognized as a preferred form of care by policy makers, kinship carers receive minimal assistance, leaving the children in their care vulnerable to many threats to their health, wellbeing and protection. The paper will argue that those developing responses to coronavirus must prioritize support to these households. A failure to do so will exacerbate the risks that girls and boys face, and lead to poorly targeted and consequently ineffective strategies to prevent and mitigate the effects of the virus.


2020 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Children on the Move

Child Frontiers is reviewing global literature on quantitative methods for measuring children on the move. The ultimate aim of the review is to identify effective models for quantitative data collection on children on the move in an African context. The review will have a particular, but not exclusive, focus on migration to the streets and on movement within countries and will contribute to the International Data Alliance on Children on the Move.


2019 : [ UNICEF ESARO ] : Research and Documentation of Child Protection programs in East and Southern Africa

Child Frontiers is undertaking a multi-country analysis and review for UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) that will provide an overview of the progress made against the implementation of the Global Programs to end child marriage and FGM and the work UNICEF ESARO is doing to address violence against children (VAC), adolescent participation, and country offices’ initiatives to strengthen risk informed programming on VAC in an integrated manner. The review will identify promising programs and interventions; identify lessons learned, gaps and challenges; and make recommendations for the strengthening of efforts. Child Frontiers will produce a series of thought pieces, literature reviews and briefs and a compendium of promising practices related to work being undertaken in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, Somalia, Uganda, Namibia, Lesotho, Madagascar, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. A key objective is to increase knowledge management through data analysis and documentation of the implementation of the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) Child Protection Program.


2019 : [ UNICEF Iraq ] : Child protection systems mapping and assessment

Child Frontiers has been engaged by UNICEF to conduct a mapping and assessment of the formal and informal child protection systems in Iraq.  This study, first of the kind in Iraq, will help to understand existing community and state priorities and practice in the care and protection of children at risk of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.  The research  complements UNICEF’s current efforts with the Government of Iraq to emphasize the transition from emergency responses to systems development, such as the development of a Child Act. This project aims at covering 10  governorates in Central and Southern Iraq,  including Baghdad, as well as the autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq.  The findings will support the Government of Iraq and UNICEF in identifying strategic priorities.


2019 : [ UNICEF Sierra Leone ] : Study of Practice of FGM

Child Frontiers is conducting a comprehensive and groundbreaking study of the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Sierra Leone. The study will generate evidence that will enable the government of Sierra Leone to review, adapt and verify its current National Strategy to end FGM ensuring that its implementation has a transformative impact on reducing, and ultimately ending, FGM in Sierra Leone. The study seeks to answer questions of cultural values and attitudes surrounding the practice, how FGM is practiced and regional variations, how the decision-making process within families to support the practice takes place, the perceived social benefits and consequences of practicing or not practicing FGM, and what changes, if any, have taken place over the years. The results will include an analytical report, qualitative baseline data, and key recommendations for ways forward in addressing the issue.


2019 : [ UNICEF Lebanon ] : Study of Violence in Schools and Best Practices

Child Frontiers, in partnership with the Lebanese research organization CRD Consulting, is conducting formative research to explore the root causes and consequences of the different types of violence in schools in Lebanon, as well as studying best practices to prevent violence in schools. The results of the study will be used by UNICEF and Save the Children Lebanon to advocate with the government for the implementation of measures to prevent or better respond to violence against girls and boys in Lebanese schools. The research study will also inform the efforts of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) to develop a strategy for the operationalization of the Child Protection Policy in schools. The study will adopt a qualitative approach, including key informant interviews and focus group discussions with children, school staff and NGOs working in the education sector.


2019 : [ UNICEF Pacific ] : Child Protection Baseline Research in Tuvalu

Child Frontiers is collecting baseline quantitative and qualitative information on child protection issues and responses in Tuvalu. The results of the survey will be used by the Government of Tuvalu, UNICEF and DFAT (the main donor), to plan interventions aiming at reducing the prevalence of child protection issues and at strengthening child protection systems, and to measure progress over time. In particular, it will be used to finalize and monitor the implementation of the five-year national multi-sector multi-actor costed national child protection plan of action to be elaborated to implement the Child Protection Bill expected to be passed in 2019. The research will also inform the 2019 mid-year and end-year joint Government-UNICEF work plan revision, as well as subsequent workplans; and serve as an awareness-raising and capacity building exercise, to promote networking and collaboration among government entities in charge of social welfare, justice, police, health and education, as well as national statistics, planning and finance.


2019 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Global Study on Kinship Care

Child Frontiers conducted a regional review kinship care in Africa for the purpose of regional advocacy, continuing its collaboration with Family for Every Child by developing a report that can be used to advocate at a global level for increased support of kinship care. This report highlights the growing use of kinship care around the world and  the lack of adequate support for kinship care.  It provides some recommendations on how kinship care can be better recognized and supported. Evidence examined primarily from middle- and low-income contexts, drawing on specific examples from high income contexts, highlighting variations due to culture, social contexts or religion. The final report, which was published in November 2019 can be accessed here.


2019 : [ World Vision International ] : CPA Fragile Context Action Learning Project

Child Frontiers worked with the World Vision core team, which is implementing the Child Protection and Advocacy in Fragile Context Action Learning Project, to refine the research questions, create the research design, and design the methods to investigate research questions throughout the course of this action learning project. The overarching research and learning questions for the CPA Fragile Context Action Learning Project are: How can we take a systems approach to CP programming in fragile contexts? What are the CP interventions that can be used for each domain of change, across the dials of the FCPA? Are they adaptable? Are they feasible (cost, partnering, technical and human resources)?


2018 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Kinship Care Research

Child Frontiers is producing a regional synthesis report that makes the case for meeting kinship carers’ needs as an important, and cost effective, option for care widely preferred by children and families. The work will entail reviewing global literature, with specific data from Africa and review of national reports and incorporate findings into a regional report. The main questions to address in the report are: how is kinship care defined and used locally; what are the successes and challenges of kinship care; and what support is needed for kinship care to thrive. Detailed research sub-questions have also been developed, along with a research protocol to guide in country literature reviews and consultations with kinship families and key informants.


2018 : [ UNICEF Thailand ] : Child Support Grant Policy Review

Child Frontiers supported UNICEF Thailand in documenting the results and experience of the Child Support Grant (CSG) scheme as well as supply-side interventions. The documentation of the process and results of the CSG initiation phase is deemed useful for generating lessons learned to be shared with key stakeholders. The documentation generated necessary actions and policy recommendations to inform the subsequent expansion phases. Additionally, the experience and lesson learned from this documentation are also expected to contribute to the South-South knowledge exchange on child sensitive social transfers in ASEAN countries, for which demand has been growing over the past couple of years. The documentation of the CSG is expected to be used as a good example on how to guide the implementation of other similar policies for children in Thailand. The Final Presentation can be accessed HERE. The Final Briefs are available in English and Thai


2018 : [ World Vision International ] : Recruitment and use of children in armed conflict

Child Frontiers supported World Vision International in a research to look at the experiences of children and young people in terms of what has led them to join armed groups as well as what has kept them safe from being recruited. The research reviewed best practices to prevent child recruitment especially those focused on building children’s resilience, taking account of the perceptions of various stakeholders, including children, parents, community leaders and child protection actors. The research drew parallels between the interventions aimed at keeping children from recruitment with those aimed at keeping children safe from other forms of violence in fragile and conflict affected areas. Data for the research came from fieldwork in Central African Republic and Colombia, as well as three case studies focused on the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The findings synthesised into a global report, with recommendations that can be tailored to policy and public audiences in different countries. The Final Report for study can be accessed here


2018 : [ IDRC ] : Amplifying the Voices of Girls and Boys in Early Child and Forced Marriages

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has contracted Child Frontiers and Young Lives at the University of Oxford to consolidate and amplify the collective research findings generated by the five projects that comprise IDRC’s Early Child and Forced Marriage (ECFM) thematic cluster. The five projects span ten countries across West and East Africa, South Asia and Latin America. Each has designed and are implementing differing research and/or interventions with the overall aim to influence policy, practice, research or innovations that foster transformative changes in the lives of girls, women and communities. Child Frontiers and Young Lives are two of the partners collaborating in this cohort in their Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS), currently underway in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Zambia.


2018 : [ UNICEF Rwanda ] : Documentation of the Child Protection Program

Child Frontiers documented selected key programs and achievements from the current UNICEF country program for Rwanda (2013-18) in order to document good practices, share lessons and showcase achievements in Rwanda in the area of child protection. Areas of focus included documenting aspects of the nation-wide deinstitutionalization of children and conducting in-depth case studies of reintegrated children and families. The Summary Evaluation can be accessed HERE


2017 : [ ECPAT International ] : Research on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism in Phuket

Child Frontiers led the coordination and production of a quality assessment on the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism in Phuket by providing an in-depth analysis of the magnitude, nature, context and trends of sexual exploitation of children - identifying attitudes, risks and stakeholders, including children (mainly girls, but also boys) at risk and victims, as well as opportunities for prevention. This exercise was part of a multi-stakeholder initiative by ECPAT International and several global NGOs focusing on zero tolerance for sexual exploitation of children in tourism destinations in Mexico (Cancun) and Thailand (Phuket). In order to effectively and efficiently protect children from sexual exploitation, there must be an evidence-based understanding of the scale and manifestations of SECTT in Phuket. Design of the prevention and protection strategies for SECTT required current and factual understanding of the local context and trends in the area. 


2017 : [ UNICEF Malaysia ] : Survey of Stakeholder’s Knowledge of Child Abuse

Child Frontiers partnered with UNICEF Malaysia to conduct a survey of stakeholder’s knowledge of child abuse and neglect and their roles and obligations to prevent and respond. The purpose of this national survey was to inform and support implementation of the 2016-2020 Child Protection Action Plan, which includes Enhanced Child and Adolescents Wellbeing as a programmatic pillar. Key outputs under this programme area included increasing the knowledge and positive attitudes of duty bearers towards protecting children from harmful practices and discrimination, as well as increasing the capacity of Government and NGO service providers to provide comprehensive and well-coordinated services to children and families at risk of or victims of violence, abuse, exploitation and conflict with the law. The survey was designed to collect baseline data at the national, state and district levels on the percentage of duty bearers in target areas who have core knowledge of child protection risks and their obligations, as this data was not currently available. The Final Report of the Survey can be accessed here


2017 : [ UNICEF Zambia ] : Appraisal of Community Perceptions of the Children’s Well-being

Child Frontiers was contracted by UNICEF to appraise the perceptions and experiences of child protection and child well-being amongst a representative sample of people in 15 districts in Zambia, in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces as well as in districts with high rates of child marriage. The purpose of the consultancy is to support the Government of Zambia in their enhancement of the child protection system by providing a critically important component to their understanding of the current scenario for children’s safety and well-being. The research process engaged traditional and local leaders to gain entry to their communities, where perceptions and experiences of issues that undermine their children’s well-being and safety, and of ways in these issues were/could be addressed and explored. 


2017 : [ Girls Not Brides ] : Lessons learned from Multi-sectoral Implementation of Policies

Child Frontiers researched and produced a report on lessons learned from multi-sectoral implementation of policies at the sub-national level, to inform implementation of national initiatives on child marriage for Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage and the World Health Organization Department of Reproductive Health and Research. The report was used to inform how best to implement multi-sectoral policies to address child marriage at the sub-national and local level, and a session on this at the Girls Not Brides Global Meeting in June 2018 to further share lessons learned with Girls Not Brides members and related stakeholders working to end child marriage. This study was based on a short literature review and a series key informant interviews. The Final Presentation of the study can be accessed here


2017 : [ IDRC ] : Comparative Study of Child Marriage and Parenthood

Child Frontiers has received funding from the International Development Research Centre in Canada to work in collaboration with the Young Lives project at the University of Oxford, Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo in Peru and the Ethiopian Development Research Institute in Ethiopia, to conduct a comparative study of child marriage and parenthood in Ethiopia, Peru, India (united Andhra Pradesh) and Zambia. This project, spread over a 2.5 year period, is concerned with deepening understanding of the experiences of children who marry and who become parents, the predictors of and motivations for child marriage and parenthood, and the wider implications on sexual and reproductive health and for breaking intergenerational cycles of poverty and gender inequality. This study will draw on and build upon existing multi-country longitudinal data from Young Lives, as well as a recent study carried out by Child Frontiers in Zambia. In 2020, a book on child marriage will be launched in New York City at the UN Congress on the Status of Women, and the Child Frontiers team will contribute a chapter, which can be accessed here


2017 : [ Terre des Hommes Netherlands ] : Minimum Standards on Alternative Care

Child Frontiers carried out an in-depth assessment of approximately eight shelters identified by TdH-NL which are operated by partners in six Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines and Thailand). The assessment aimed to analyse the quality of services currently offered in line with the Guidelines for Alternative Care for Children (2010) and National Frameworks and explore opportunities for improvement of the care arrangements, including diversification of care options. The assessment included individual assessment reports providing clear, detailed recommendations and plans to provide training and other support, leading to the implementation of necessary changes.


2017 : [ War Child ] : Push and Pull Factors influencing ‘voluntary’ recruitment of children into armed groups

Child Frontiers partnered with War Child UK and War Child Holland in North and South Kivu, DRC, to address the problem of child recruitment into armed groups. The research focused on identifying factors and influences that lead to the non-forced recruitment of children into armed groups, as well as factors that prevent them from joining. War Child UK and Holland aim to develop a holistic community and social prevention strategy addressing the root causes of voluntary child recruitment based on the findings of the research.


2017 : [ UNICEF Rwanda ] : National violence against children and youth survey (VACYS) report and action plan

Child Frontiers is working with UNICEF Rwanda to produce a synthesised national report on violence against children and youth and a report on the lived experiences of violence against children and youth with disabilities in institutions. This process will also include a consultative process leading to the development of a national action plan to address VACY.


2017 : [ Better Care Network ] : Family Strengthening and Alternative Care for Children in Uganda

Child Frontiers worked with the Better Care Network (BCN) - a multi-agency global network facilitating active information exchange, collaboration and advocacy on the issue of children without adequate family care - to document efforts to support care reforms in Uganda through the development of a comprehensive ‘Country Care Profile’. The report provided an overview and analysis of the current care system in Uganda, including family strengthening and prevention of separation initiatives and services; alternative care services provision; past and recent care reform efforts; successes, challenges and lessons learned; and recommendations for areas for progress, and gaps in learning and best practice.


2016 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Research and Consultations on Effective Care within Families

Child Frontiers led the research and consultation on effective care within families as a starting point for Family for Every Child in its new initiative on ‘prevention’.  A reference group was formed by Family for Every Child to focus on preventing family separation through improving the capacity of family members to care for children. This topic was chosen as how parents or other family members care for their children has a major impact on family separation.  Yet, in many contexts parents and carers are not well supported. This issue is also not being addressed through existing interventions in  other aspects of prevention, such as economic strengthening and education. The Final Report is available here.


2016 : [ Save the Children Australia ] : Child Protection Systems Mapping in Papua New Guinea

Save the Children identified child protection as a priority advocacy area in the Pacific for the 2016-2018 strategy period. Child Frontiers conducted a mapping of the child protection systems in Papua New Guinea to support this effort, which provided an overview of the existing formal and informal components of the child protection system, an in-depth study of the functioning of the child protection system in select locations, an analysis of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the child protection systems that were studied, as well as recommendations to inform Save the Children child protection programming and advocacy efforts. The Final Report of the Assessment of the Child Protection Systems in PNG can be accessed here


2016 : [ UNICEF Zambia ] : Evidence-based Interventions for Delaying the Age of Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy

The Zambian Government is developing a five year End Child Marriage multi-sectoral strategy. There is a need to showcase proven interventions that have been tried and tested on a pilot basis and have worked well. Child Frontiers is building upon its research on the dynamics leading to child marriage in Zambia, which concluded in May 2015, to gather evidence on what interventions work (or do not work) to postpone the age of marriage. Currently no comprehensive evidence is available for the Zambian contexts on what interventions are effective and scalable. The interventions will be developed in the same districts where the research took place, with involvement of communities and other stakeholders. The findings will inform Government planning and budgeting on this issue as well as NGO, UN and donor programming. 


2016 : [ UNICEF Lebanon ] : Policy and Provision of Alternative Care for Children

Child Frontiers conducted research for UNICEF on the alternative care system/structure in Lebanon and its ability to meet the needs of children in the mid- to long-term, in line with international standards on alternative care. This included an assessment of areas for best return on investment while also scoping areas for intervention and scale-up. The basis of this assignment is UNICEF's identification of alternative care as a key priority area to be addressed within the framework of its new Lebanon country programme 2017-2020. The Final Report can be accessed here


2015 : [ UNICEF West and Central Africa ] : Review of Policies and Plans of Action

Child Frontiers conducted the first ever review and analysis of the existing policy environment for child protection in the twenty-four West and Central African countries. This involved an assessment of the processes undertaken across the region for policy development, as well as reflection on the status, quality, relevance and viability of those policies and plans of action. The review documented learning from the past five years of interventions for the development of child protection policies and national plans of action, factors that determined the strategic decisions and the contexts in which they were made, as well as the nature and status of the resulting policy and planning frameworks. Access the Country Briefs and Final Report


2015 : [ UNICEF Bhutan ] : Violence Against Children Phase 3 Quantitative Study

Child Frontiers conducted a quantitative study on comparable population-based estimates that describe the magnitude and nature of the problem of violence experienced by the children in Bhutan. Building on the work in the first two phases (literature review and qualitative study), this final phase provided critical data to enable evidence-informed interventions (preventive and responsive) to be developed to protect children from violence. It also provided important baseline data against which the National Plan of Action for Child Protection, 11th Five Year Plan and the UN One Programme

(2014-2018) can be monitored and evaluated. Access the Final Report here


2015 : [ UNICEF State of Palestine ] : Mapping and Analysis of the Child Protection Systems and Capacity Strengthening

This groundbreaking research and technical assistance in the State of Palestine involved two objectives: (i) to conduct an analysis of the child protection system, and more broadly the social welfare system for children and families, in the State of Palestine, including at the sub-national level (Gaza), with clear recommendations to inform policy-making and programming to strengthen the system; and (ii) to strengthen knowledge and capacities in relation to child and family social welfare system, with a focus on the protection of children from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect, and the protection of women from violence. The Final Report can be accessed here.


2015 : [ UNICEF Pacific ] : Situational Analysis of the Child Protection System in Nauru

Child Frontiers conducted a study to review the child protection situation in terms of legislation / policy, services, community attitudes and knowledge in Nauru. Recommendations were developed to help shape government plans and to promote capacity building, networking and inter-agency collaboration, with a focus on national ownership and sustainability. The Final Report on the review can be accessed here.


2015 : [ ECPAT ] : African Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism

Child Frontiers was contracted to assist in a 5 country study (Ghana, Zambia, Ethiopia, South Africa & Kenya) by ECPAT International to analyse qualitative and quantitative information on the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism in Africa. ECPAT and its African partners conducted research to study this phenomenon, raise awareness and mobilize action from governments, the tourism industry and civil society organizations to stop sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism. Child Frontiers developed research tools including structured interviews, provided technical assistance to ensure the research adhered to the highest ethical standards, synthesized secondary research materials and developed a regional report for the African Reference Group and ECPAT International that was included in the Global Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism.


2015 : [ UNICEF Uzbekistan ] : Review of Justice for Children

Child Frontiers provided technical support to the Supreme Court Research Centre to produce a comparative analysis of Uzbek child justice legislation against international and regional standards. Technical support was also provided to design and implement research on the child-sensitivity of judicial practices, and to draft a report identifying priority reforms to improve access to justice for children as offenders, victims/witnesses and in civil proceedings. The Final Presentation can be accessed here


2015 : [ Plan International ] : Child Marriage in West Africa

Child Frontiers conducted field research to understand and explain local processes and specificities of child marriage in three countries (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger) and to identify drivers of change that can be used for evidence-based interventions to address this issue. This endeavor involved understanding and analyzing the different factors and actors that influence girls' early marriage, exploring the reasons why child marriage exists, and identifying the manifestations in different relationships, households, family and community settings. Access the Final Reports for Mali and Niger


2014 : [ RWI ] : Desk Study of Juvenile Justice in ASEAN

Child Frontiers contributed to a study of juvenile justice in ASEAN, a program conducted by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) and supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). The study aimed to identify common issues among the member states which may lay the foundation for future bilateral and regional engagement.


2014 : [ UNICEF Zambia ] : Understanding Child Marriage in Zambia

Child Frontiers was awarded the 2015 Best of UNICEF Research (BOUR) for our qualitative study on child marriage in selected districts of Zambia. The purpose was to better understand the beliefs, attitudes and practices that promote and mitigate against child marriage. The research findings are designed to improve the development of policies and interventions to protect girls and boys in the specific contexts in which they live. The report can be downloaded at the following link: REPORT


2014 : [ UNICEF Togo ] : Child Protection System Assessment and System Strengthening Participatory Analysis

In Togo, Child Frontiers combined the systems mapping approach developed for West Africa, with an inclusive strategic decision-making process to review and begin addressing the emerging findings. National child protection actors were able to immediately deal with issues identified by the mapping, including the appropriateness and contextual relevance of the system.  Combining processes that in other countries represented distinct phases of work saved time, money and helped to maintain momentum.  The Final Report can be accessed here


2014 : [ UNICEF Bhutan ] : Violence Against Children Phase 2 Qualitative Study

Following up on Phase 1, Child Frontiers extended its support for the Royal Government of Bhutan, UNICEF and its partners in a qualitative study on violence against children in Bhutan. Phase 2, which was completed in March 2015, generated important information about the various forms of violence against children as well as the drivers for violence. It has identified social, economic and cultural drivers of risk and resilience that influence a child's likelihood of being protected from violence. The training package as part of this phase can be accessed here


2014 : [ UNICEF Lao PDR ] : Mapping and Assessment of the Child & Family Welfare System

Child Frontiers conducted a comprehensive assessment of the child and family welfare system in Lao PDR through engagement with government, NGO and community members. Through a collaborative process with national stakeholders, the assessment mapped and defined system components, roles and responsibilities to provide an overall picture of child and family welfare system at the national, provincial, district and local levels with detailed analysis in two provinces. A summary of the report can be downloaded at the following link: REPORT


2014 : [ UNICEF Bhutan ] : Violence Against Children Phase 1 Literature Review and Report

Child Frontiers supported the Royal Government of Bhutan, UNICEF and its partners to conduct a three-phased study on violence against children in Bhutan. The purpose of the study is to understand the magnitude, contexts and drivers of violence against children in Bhutan from which to promote evidence-based policy, planning and programming. The first phase of this project involved an in-depth literature review and secondary analysis of existing data. The analysis of the available literature was intended to pull together a comprehensive picture of what is currently known, including global best practices, and to give a sense of the challenges or gaps in the evidence base. The Literature Review can be accessed here


2013 : [ UNICEF HQ ] : Child Protection Systems Study in Emergencies / Disasters

Child Frontiers explored the question of whether having a clear child protection system structure in place mitigates risks of violence, abuse and exploitation that may arise during and in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster. The analysis of the systems and the degree of functioning over the three phases (before, during and after the emergency) was juxtaposed for analysis by case study.  The findings will contribute to lessons learned, as well as to inform strategies and policy development for future emergency response, including programme development, preparedness initiatives and disaster risk reduction programs.


2013 : [ UNICEF EAPRO and World Vision ] : Regional Review and Analysis of Child Protection Systems in the EAP Region

UNICEF, in partnership with ECPAT International, ILO, Plan International, Save the Children and World Vision, is working to strengthen child protection systems across the EAP region through law, policy and program efforts at national and local levels. Child Frontiers, supporting an Inter-Agency Steering Committee to build on the growing body of research by these partners, conducted a desk review and analysis of formal and informal, national and sub-national, CP systems in the region, with a focus on analysing information from existing child protection system mapping reports. The review and analysis of the mappings and assessments can be viewed HERE


2013 : [ UNICEF Nigeria & Hope Worldwide Nigeria ] : Mapping and Assessment of the Child & Family Welfare System in Lagos State

Child Frontiers conducted a mapping and assessment of the child and family welfare system in Lagos State, Nigeria. This work was part of a larger programme carried out by Hope Worldwide Nigeria, a local NGO, for a USAID-funded project entitled 'Assistance and Care for Orphaned and at Risk Children'. The legal and regulatory review covered both the federal and state levels.  Community level data were collected in four Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Lagos State, including among different ethnic and religious groups, as well as in both rural and urban sites. Click for the Research Manual  and Final Report


2013 : [ UNICEF HQ ] : Child Protection Systems Study in Emergencies / Disasters

Child Frontiers explored the question of whether having a clear child protection system structure in place mitigates risks of violence, abuse and exploitation that may arise during and in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster. The analysis of the systems and the degree of functioning over the three phases (before, during and after the emergency) was juxtaposed for analysis by case study.  The findings will contribute to lessons learned, as well as to inform strategies and policy development for future emergency response, including programme development, preparedness initiatives and disaster risk reduction programs. The Final Report on the study can be accessed here


2012 : [ UNICEF ] : Study on Alternative Care in Guatemala, Cambodia & Liberia

Child Frontiers concluded a 3-country study in Cambodia, Liberia and Guatemala where UNICEF had begun partnerships with USAID's Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF). The objective of the study was to investigate and determine whether working on issues of prevention of unnecessary family separation, strengthening alternative care provision and family reunion had any broader impact on the overall child protection systems in each of the three countries. The Final Report for the 3 countries can be accessed here


2012 : [ Save the Children ] : Paper on Alternative Care in Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa

Child Frontiers produced a background paper on the Situation of Family Support Services and Alternative Care in Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa for Save the Children UK, in preparation for the Conference on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care, held March 2012 in Dakar, Senegal. The final paper can be found in ENGLISH and in FRENCH.


2011 : [ UNICEF West Africa ] : Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection Systems

Child Frontiers was involved in a two-year collaboration with a consortium of international agencies (Save the Children Sweden and Finland, Plan International and UNICEF WCA) to map and assess child protection systems in five countries in West Africa. This program of study represented a significant departure from previous national mapping initiatives in that informal, family and community practices for child protection were studied in relation to formal national protection systems and services. With an understanding of how and why formal child protection systems function in relation to informal, community-based practices, country specific recommendations for reform were shaped. The final reports for the respective countries can be downloaded at the following links: COTE D'IVOIREGHANANIGER, SENEGAL, SIERRA LEONE and the 5-COUNTRY ANALYSIS The West Africa Research Manual is available in both ENGLISH and FRENCH.


2011 : [ UNICEF EAPRO] : Mapping and Assessment of Child and Family Welfare Systems in Southeast Asia

From 2009 to 2011, Child Frontiers supported several UNICEF Country Offices in Southeast Asia to conduct assessments of their national child and family welfare systems. These studies were conducted following the implementation of the UNICEF East Asia and Pacific regional strategy and were closely aligned to the toolkit developed to conceptualize and build national protection systems. The overall objective was to provide government ministries and agencies responsible for child and family welfare with a snapshot of the status and functioning of their evolving systems, enabling them to steer their planning and resources towards a more comprehensive and functional model. The final reports for the respective countries studied can be downloaded at the following links: INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, TIMOR-LESTELAO PDR.


2011 : [ UNICEF MENA ] : Regional Study of Decentralized Child Protection Systems

Child Frontiers collaborated with the UNICEF Middle East and North Africa regional and country offices to study child protection systems in what was to have been 5 countries in the region. This collaboration was a key component of the UNICEF MENA's "Regional Child Protection Implementation Framework", focused upon the generation of knowledge and information for systems reform. Political turmoil in the region cut short the project, which ultimately was only implemented in Lebanon. The Final Report for Lebanon can be accessed here


2011 : [ UNICEF Sierra Leone ] : Child Justice Assessment

Child Frontiers conducted a rapid assessment of the Sierra Leone child justice system, taking into account both formal and informal justice sectors, and advised UNICEF on its strategic approach to supporting systems reform. The findings of the assessment were used in the design of UNICEF’s child justice initiatives and in the development of a 5-year national Child Justice Strategy. The Final Report can be accessed here


2011 : [ UNICEF Benin ] : Mapping and Assessment of the National Child Protection System

Child Frontiers collaborated with UNICEF Benin to design, pilot and implement a national child protection system mapping and assessment. The exercise was carried out based on the research methodology designed by Child Frontiers for its work in West Africa. Click here for the FINAL REPORT


2010 : [ UNICEF Lao PDR ] : Study on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Child Frontiers collaborated with the Lao PDR Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, UNICEF, UNIAP, Save the Children and World Vision to conduct a study on the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). The objective of this study was to develop a picture of the different manifestations of CSEC that exist in Lao PDR and document current efforts to prevent and response to child exploitation. As Child Frontiers conducted an assessment of the Lao PDR child and family welfare system in 2009, this research project presented a unique opportunity to consider how a strategy for combating CSEC could be integrated within a wider reform of the child and family welfare system. The Final Report can be accessed here

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