Training Portfolio
2025: [ UNICEF Pakistan] : Social Service Workforce Strengthening
Child Frontiers is supporting the Governments of the four provinces and three territories of Pakistan (Islamabad, Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab, Khyber Pakhunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan Administered Kashmir) to strengthen its social welfare service workforce. Specifically, this project focuses on conducting mapping and training needs assessment to determine the current status of the workforce against global standards and identify strengths and potential capacity gaps, develop and implement a comprehensive and transformative capacity-building plan, and enhance the knowledge, skills, and capacities of the social service workforce for effective service delivery. Child Frontiers will facilitate a year-long process, closely collaborating with UNICEF Pakistan and the provincial governments in Pakistan’s provinces and territories, recognizing that the capacity-building plans will need to consider the diverse capacity development needs of the social service workforce in each province in Pakistan.
2025: [ UNICEF Sri Lanka] : Social Service Workforce Strengthening
Child Frontiers, alongside its partners, the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance and the Colombo-based Institute for Participatory Interaction in Development, are collaborating with UNICEF Sri Lanka to improve the delivery of social services. The focus of the work is to strengthen and professionalize the social service workforce, which is critical for an effective child protection system. The objectives of the consultancy are to: Understand the availability, components and gaps of the training courses offered in the field of social work in Sri Lanka; Support the professionalization for the social service workforce in Sri Lanka through the conceptualization of a strategic framework; Develop a model to pilot practice supervision for the social service workforce in Sri Lanka; and Ensure strong buy-in from key government and academic partners for the duration of the consultancy to pave the way for effective implementation.
2025: [ UNICEF Afghanistan ] : Social Service Workforce Strengthening
Child Frontiers is supporting the Government of Afghanistan to strengthen its social welfare service workforce at all levels of operation. Specifically, this project focuses on reviewing the Social Service Workforce Strategy (2022) with a view to revising and refining it for its relevance in today’s Afghan landscape. UNICEF wishes to pursue its long-stated ambition to strengthen and bolster the workforce. To that end, Child Frontiers will facilitate a comprehensive and ambitious process, to develop training curriculum and thereafter conduct capacity building on child protection and gender-based violence for nearly 300 Afghan government workers in as many as eleven provinces. This will require an acknowledgement of the training needs and possibilities at the provincial level to ensure that recommendations are tailored and contextualised and that specific capacity-building activities and modalities reflect the needs of the workforce (core and allied) in each province.
2023 : [ UNICEF Malaysia ] : Social Work Training in Penang
Child Frontiers is training the trainers (ToT) of social work with vulnerable children, focusing on children affected by migration, with the Malaysian Welfare Department social workers on the island of the state of Penang in Malaysia. The purpose is to increase the technical skills of social welfare officers and child protectors who are responsible for working with and delivering services to the most vulnerable children. The training supports UNICEF’s advocacy for a strengthened and inclusive social service workforce that cares for all vulnerable children, including migrant and refugee children.
2021: [ Royal Roads University ] : Graduate Certificate Transforming Child Protection to Wellbeing
Child Frontiers is contributing its technical expertise to the development of the Graduate Certificate ‘Transforming Child Protection to Wellbeing’ at Royal Roads University, a Canadian public university in British Columbia. This nine-credit course is comprised of three courses including ‘Theory: Reframing Child and Family Wellbeing in Complex Global Realities’; ‘Practice: Understanding and Assessing Children’s Wellbeing in Context’; and ‘Tools/Approaches for Change: Engaged Changemaking with Children, Youth, Families, Communities and Nations’. This certificate will be offered fully online in 2021/22, but subsequent years may have a residency component for students. More on the course on this link.
2020 : [ UNICEF Timor-Leste ] : Developing and Integrating a Covid-19 Training Module
Child Frontiers is developing a training module on child protection in the COVID-19 context, as complementary material to the existing training curriculum for the Social Welfare Workforce (SWW), implemented in Timor-Leste by the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) with the support of UNICEF.
2019 : [ Ai You Foundation ] : Child Welfare and Protection Training Workshop
Ai You Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in China engaged in child welfare and venture philanthropy, has contracted Child Frontiers to design and facilitate a capacity building workshop for their child welfare team to share and analyse the history, latest knowledge and international evidence around child welfare and protection, as well as approaches that have proven useful in different contexts. The Beijing workshop will be designed to strengthen Ai You’s child welfare programming as well as begin working with frontline staff and senior management to strategically assess the Foundation’s current role and potential future contributions to child welfare and protection both in China and internationally.
2019 : [ Family for Every Child ] : Research training and toolkit
Child Frontiers facilitated a research training in July 2019, for Family for Every Child’s Alliance Program Team on the topics of how to tell when research is the best approach to a problem and choosing a research focus, methods and types of primary research (possibly including participatory research and action research which are expressed interests of participants) and qualitative analysis. Child Frontiers will also provide technical advice on a research toolkit to provide a guide for staff, consultants and members on how to design, manage and contribute to research projects conducted by the Family for Every Child alliance and; compile Family for Every Child’s associated tools.
2019 : [ UNICEF Viet Nam ] : Capacity Building on Child Justice and Improving the Legal Framework for Child Protection
Child Frontiers is supporting the Government of Viet Nam to build the capacity of the justice sector to provide child-sensitive justice and to strengthen the legal framework for child justice and child protection. This support, provided on an as-needed basis, includes: developing a training programme on child justice for Family and Juvenile Judges; providing legal advice on a proposed law on social work; technical guidance on the development of inter-agency protocols for dealing with cases of child abuse; and legal reviews on child labour, commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking.
2019 : [ UNICEF Timor Leste ] : Child and Family Welfare Development Phase 5 Training
​Child Frontiers is continuing the process to strengthen the child and family welfare system in Timor-Leste in the next phase of engagement with the Government of Timor-Leste and UNICEF. In 2011, Child Frontiers conducted the first national mapping of the child and family welfare system, followed by a lengthy process of facilitation to develop the Child and Family Welfare System Policy (2013). Child Frontiers then facilitated a series of consultations to operationalize the new policy in 2014. Between 2015-17, Child Frontiers facilitated the government’s program to pilot policy implementation in three municipalities (Dili, Oecusse and Viqueque) through reflective practices and capacity development of the social welfare workforce, as well as working at the national level to institutionalize the reform process. The current phase of work is essentially the culmination of all these efforts: Child Frontiers and Ba Futuru are working with the Ministry of Social Solidarity's (MSS) Technical Working Group (TWG) to complete the training component of Social Welfare Workforce Strengthening in the three pilot locations and to equip them to lead reflective practices in the municipalities, as well as helping MSS institutionalize the reform process. At the end of this period of work, it is envisioned that the Government of Timor-Leste will be ready to roll out implementation of the Child and Family Welfare Policy nationally, including capacity development for the social welfare workforce.
2015 : [ Save the Children China ] : Workshops on Child Protection Systems Strengthening
Building upon workshops held in Kathmandu in Nov 2014, Child Frontiers supported Save the Children China in strategically assessing and planning its child protection system development programme. Child Frontiers facilitators accompanied staff through a process of learning, reflection and reinterpretation of current approaches used for programming on child protection systems. This involved a critical review of current approaches in use in China and reflection on improving and adapting understanding of programmes aimed at system strengthening or development. The workshop concluded with a reflection on what approaches might be suited to the unique Chinese context. The presentations can be accessed here.
2015 : [ ChildFund Australia ] : Presentation on Mappings and Resilience
Child Frontiers conducted a training session for ChildFund programme staff in Vietnam to share the findings of mappings of child protection systems in Africa and Asia and lead sessions on children and resilience. The training plan can be accessed here.
2015 : [ UNICEF Lao ] : Training on the Adoption Decree & Capacity Building Support
Child Frontiers supported the Ministry of Justice in its efforts to establish domestic and international adoption procedures in line with international standards and best practices. The Government of Lao PDR is in the process of strengthening the national child and family welfare system and conducted a comprehensive mapping and assessment of the current system and other key pieces of research. The need to develop and implement more effective procedures and guidelines for adoption emerged as a matter of priority and this training was designed to build capacity to address this issue. The final presentations and Manual Guide can be accessed here.
2014 : [ Save the Children Norway ] : Workshop on Systems Strengthening for Program Staff in Asia
Following Child Frontiers’ review of Save the Children Norway’s support to programs for child protection system strengthening, a three day workshop was held in Kathmandu for country program staff from Nepal, Cambodia and Myanmar to discuss the review findings and explore strategies for designing contextually appropriate system strengthening programs.
2014 : [ Terre des Hommes ] : Child Protection Guide for Managers and Program Staff
Child Frontiers produced a guide for Terre des Hommes’ managers and programme staff at global, regional and country levels entitled "Understanding and applying a systems approach to child protection: a guide for programme staff". The purpose of the guide is to support programme staff to design and implement child protection projects using a systems lens. This practical guide helps translate the theory of systems thinking into concrete programme level action and enables staff to reflect on how their work contributes to a child protection system. Building upon the foundation of Terre des Hommes' global child protection framework, the guide explores a case study from Albania to demonstrate challenges and opportunities arising from this programme transition. The Final Report can be accessed here.
2014 : [ UNICEF EAPRO ] : Child Protection System Toolkit
Child Frontiers was recruited to revise UNICEF EAPRO's 'Toolkit for National CP System Strengthening' that was initially finalised in 2008. This revision was in response to the changing focus from categories of problems and typologies of children towards the development and strengthening of national child protection systems and increasing emphasis on the systems-based approach. The Final Report can be accessed here.
2013 : [ UNICEF South Asia ] : Workshop on Child Protection System Building
Child Frontiers facilitated a workshop in Kathmandu to share research methodologies and discuss the principle outcomes and key findings of the mapping and assessments of child protection systems in South East Asia, the Pacific, West Africa and the Middle East. Presentation material can be accessed here.
2012 : [ Plan International Australia ] : Resource Manual and Training Guide
Child Frontiers supported Plan Australia to produce a field guide for practitioners on ways to enhance child protection in early childhood care and development (ECCD), followed by a ‘training of trainers’ workshop for staff in South East Asia. While many international children’s agencies have programmes on child protection, early childhood care and child health, linkages between these programmes are often limited. This manual and training guide seeks to equip staff with practical ways to integrate protective measures into ECCD programmes and activities. The guide reflects upon the physical environment, psychological resilience and wellbeing, as well as suggestions for creating child-safe organisations and activities. The guide is accompanied by a sample training package to encourage discussion on these issues.
2012 : [ ECPAT Cambodia ] : Training Manual and Training of Trainers
As part of ECPAT Cambodia's program to improve healthcare services for trafficking victims, Child Frontiers supported the development of a training manual and facilitated a ‘training of trainers’ workshop for ECPAT staff and project partners. The manual is for use by health practitioners (doctors and nurses) working with children affected by trafficking, helping them to work in ways that respect the physical and psychological trauma these children have suffered. The aim is to eradicate some of the stigma that children face within the health system, enabling them to received improved healthcare services. The creative and participatory training package helps healthcare providers reflect upon their own practices and belief systems around trafficked children. Click here to download the Training Manual.
2012 : [ Child Protection Working Group Sudan ] : Handbook for Facilitators
Child Frontiers supported a process begun by UNICEF, War Child Holland, Terre des Hommes, Save the Children Sweden and World Vision to refine a handbook for practitioners working with children and families in remote and vulnerable communities entitled "Working with Community-based Child Protection Committees and Networks". Given the humanitarian crisis and resulting instability in Sudan, the Child Protection Working Group Sudan has focused efforts on creating protective mechanisms in communities. Drawing from positive examples in other countries, the handbook sets out a detailed framework for the facilitators to build capacity of child protection committee members and civil society organizations. It sets out the rationale and principles upon which such committees are founded, as well as provides practical guidance for implementing and monitoring. The Handbook can be accessed here.
2011 : [ NGO Group for the CRC ] : Training on Child Participation
Child Frontiers conducted training on child participation for the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a coalition of international non-governmental organisations that work together to facilitate the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
2011 : [ Terre des Hommes ]: Handbook & Training on Recovery and Reintegration of Trafficked Children
Child Frontiers prepared a training handbook ("The Recovery and Reintegration of Trafficked Children") for frontline staff and project workers from NGOs supported by Terre des Hommes and responsible for the recovery and reintegration of trafficked children. The purpose of the handbook was to equip project workers with an understanding of the reality of the lives of trafficked children and to provide them with ideas and solutions for ensuring their recovery and rehabilitation. The handbook helps project workers to consider the emotional and physical needs of trafficked children and explains some of the challenges that will be encountered during that process. Workshops were held in Nepal and Thailand to explore these factors and build the capacity of the project workers.
2011 : [ Save the Children UK ] : Child Protection Initiative Training Project, DR Congo
With the escalation of conflict in the eastern Congo, children were at heightened risk of separation from their families and exposed to sexual violence and recruitment into armed groups. As part of efforts to scale up its programmes in Goma and Bunia in North Kivu, Save the Children UK selected Child Frontiers to develop and deliver training to increase the agency’s capacity to collect and analyse data on sexual and gender-based violence in affected communities. Child Frontiers developed a series of tools to enable Save the Children staff to conduct regular needs assessments with children, families and communities depending upon the evolving situation. Good quality assessment data enables Save the Children staff to design more effective and appropriate child protection initiatives. As well as creating the assessment tools, Child Frontiers trained 38 staff in North Kivu.
2009 : [ UNICEF EAPRO ] : Capacity Development for Building Child Protection Systems
Child Frontiers collaborated with the Children's Legal Centre, Essex University (UK) to conduct a capacity building program for UNICEF child protection officers in the East Asia and Pacific region. The training was based upon the toolkit developed by EAPRO in 2008. Bringing together approximately 25 officers from 12 countries, this intensive two-week course focused on theoretical and practical approaches to the design and building of child protection systems. Social workers from Child Frontiers developed and presented participatory modules on services for abused and exploited children and their families. In 2010, Child Frontiers conducted an assessment of the toolkit with all 12 countries to ascertain its practical application in UNICEF’s country initiatives.